
The Stage of Emotions: Theater Education for Little Victory Junior Students

Our students learn to express emotions through the story of Pinocchio

At Vittoria Junior Elementary School, we have started an innovative theater workshop entitled "The Stage of Emotions." The Project is an important tool for the emotional and social education of young first grade students. The initiative not only introduces children to the world of drama, but also provides a means for them to explore and communicate their emotions in a stimulating school environment.

The Role of Theater in Children's Education

Theater, at school age, plays a crucial role in children's development. It is an arena in which they can freely express themselves, manage complex emotions and build self-confidence. Through theater, children at Vittoria Junior learn to overcome challenges such as shyness and insecurity, turning the theater experience into a life lesson.

Goals and Objectives of the Workshop

The "Stage of Emotions" workshop is designed with the intent of educating Victory Junior students in effective communication, socialization and art appreciation. Through activities ranging from role-playing to script memorization, children develop mnemonic skills, critical sense and a deep understanding of moral values.

laboratorio teatro vittoria

Modality and Unfolding

The workshop consists of 12 weekly meetings, each lasting one hour, and concludes with a theatrical performance in front of an audience. By limiting participation to 25 children per class, the program ensures individualized attention to each student, encouraging active participation and individual growth.

Educational Impact

The workshop at Victory Junior is distinguished by its multifaceted teaching approach. Integrating elements of reading, language, motor and art education, the program goes beyond just acting. Each activity is designed to be inclusive and challenging, with a focus on students with special needs or learning disabilities.

laboratorio teatro Pinocchio

Pinocchio as a Starting Point

The choice of Pinocchio as the reference text for this year's workshop is strategic. Through this literary classic, children explore themes of personal growth, identity and freedom. The interpretation of the various characters allows young students to experience different emotions and states of mind, developing empathy and understanding.


"The Stage of Emotions" at Victory Junior represents an important step in integrating theater education into the school curriculum. By providing children with an environment where they can explore their creativity and personal expression, the workshop not only enriches their educational experience, but lays the foundation for their emotional and social growth. This program not only prepares children to be better students, but also more knowledgeable, creative and empathetic individuals who are ready to face the world with curiosity and confidence.