Vittoria High School Projects

Vittoria High Schools propose a number of macro-projects that mark the stages of our students’ growth and characterise each phase of their educational pathway.

We do this through various activities, specific to each school level and targeted to foster the sense of community and “family”, which is one of the founding values of our school community.

Italian Curriculum High School and Upper Secondary School: the team building project

At Vittoria High Schools, we devote the first days of each new school year to activities that are not strictly educational, often taught outside the school, outdoors and in nature.
The workshop on team building, a technique proven in a variety of professional contexts but still not common in the school environment, promotes meeting new class groups while fostering the team spirit and sense of belonging that plays an essential role in the ability to study in a peaceful and productive way.
The students experience the value of collaboration, the importance of feeling part of a group and mutual empathy. They learn to share goals, manage time and draw lessons from their successes and failures. The importance of the collaborative and collective aspect of study is one of the main requirements for students to feel involved, to be key players in their course of study and take responsibility for it.

team building

Upper Secondary School: the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (DofE)

DofE is a prestigious international award for adolescents. It was founded in 1956 in the UK by the late Duke of Edinburgh and pioneer in non-formal educationlate, Prince Philip. The award has since spread in more than 144 countries.
Participation provides a valuable opportunity for teenagers to challenge themselves and put their skills to the test in non-academic settings and develps soft skills that play a key role in becoming adults. Each participant is required to commit to organizing an individual project involving caring and volunteering, physical, sports and recreational activities, and carry it out by measuring their abilities and the tools used to achieve the set goals.
This project, which lasts for an average of two school years, culminates with participation in an adventurous wilderness survival expedition. The award is a valuable life experience and, especially for students applying to foreign universities, an asset to the applicant’s CV.

Upper Secondary School: Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS)

CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development by learning through experience. It provides opportunities for self-determination and collaboration with others, fostering a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment from their work. At the same time, CAS is an important counterbalance to the academic pressures of the DP.

The three strands of CAS are characterized as follows:

  • Creativity – arts, and other experiences that involve creative thinking.

  • Activity – physical activities complementing academic work elsewhere in the DP.

  • Service – an unpaid and voluntary exchange that has a learning benefit for the student. 

A good CAS programme should be both challenging and enjoyable – a personal journey of self‑discovery.

Progetti Competenze Trasversali Orientamento (PCTO)

Italian Curriculum High School: Pathway projects for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO)

Our Italian Curriculum High School includes  experiences in real work situations or, in any case, in contexts that offer knowledge and skills that adhere to the demands of the business world.
Vittoria Schools Torino actively interacts and collaborates with various individuals in the area to promote alternative learning pathways that foster the authentic experiential dimension, according to the “learning by doing” approach.

These experiences include: volunteering, safety and first aid training, courses to prepare for language certifications, experiences abroad during the school year or summer periods, project works, meetings with experts on topics relevant to the world of work (economics, organization, management) and company visits, and college counselling activities.

Italian Curriculum High School and Upper Secondary School: study trips abroad

Study trips abroad are organised, both during the school year and when school is not in session. These experiences are systematically incorporated into the educational program and accompany our students’ language certification pathways. Some of these experiences have developed a series of permanent, international relationships over the years, with class and teachers exchanges and the implementation of educational partnerships.
Our school encourages and supports quarterly, half-yearly or yearly attendance abroad for students in the 4th year of the Italian Curriculum High School and welcomes students from other countries who apply. Upon return to Italy, the students are assisted in catching up on missed subjects and adequately supported in school reintegration.

Orientamento universitario - College counselling (entrambi i licei)

Italian Curriculum High School and Upper Secondary School: College Counselling

Students start attending College Counselling activities from grade 11. Vittoria High Schools offers each year several meetings and conferences with university representatives and professionals to help students in their future choices. Our students can also access online platforms where they can find useful advice and meet former students and graduates to share their experiences.

Our College Counselling service helps specifically our IBDP students who choose a University abroad in the different steps of the applications. 

The school newspaper

One of the most popular projects at our school is the school newspaper. The editorial team consists of a group of middle and high school students, coordinated by a literary teacher and the school's digital communications manager. Commenting on school events and trivia, the students learn to use new media and create content such as blog articles, videos, reels, photographs and interviews. 

Progetti United Network: soft skills e pensiero critico

Scuole Vittoria collabora con United Network, un'organizzazione europea che promuove programmi formativi internazionali per sviluppare competenze comunicative, capacità di pensiero critico e cittadinanza attiva.

Attraverso un approccio innovativo basato sul learning by doing, i nostri studenti partecipano a esperienze di grande valore educativo, interamente in lingua inglese, che li preparano a sfide globali.

Tra i programmi selezionati:

  • European Camp Ventotene: attività formative e simulazioni del Parlamento Europeo sull’isola di Ventotene.
  • MUNER New York: simulazioni delle Nazioni Unite presso il Palazzo dell’ONU a New York, per affrontare temi di politica internazionale.
  • IMUN Torino: simulazioni delle Nazioni Unite in inglese a Torino, per sviluppare competenze in public speaking e diplomazia.

Laboratorio artistico

Il laboratorio artistico offre agli studenti un percorso multidisciplinare che unisce recitazione, drammaturgia e arti visive, permettendo loro di esprimere la propria creatività attraverso diverse forme d'arte.

Il progetto si articola in tre gruppi principali:

  • Recitazione: gli studenti si occupano della parte performativa, preparando una rappresentazione dal vivo.
  • Drammaturgia: i ragazzi sperimentano la scrittura creativa, lavorando alla stesura e allo sviluppo del copione.
  • Arti visive: il gruppo realizza installazioni e scenografie per dare vita all’ambientazione dello spettacolo.

Il laboratorio culmina in un evento finale che si svolge a giugno, frutto del lavoro collaborativo di tutti i partecipanti. I tre gruppi si incontrano settimanalmente, unendo le loro competenze e passioni per creare un’esperienza artistica unica e coinvolgente.