
End of Year Celebration at the Middle School: Victoria Cup Award Ceremony

The middle school celebrated the end-of-year party with great enthusiasm, culminating with the awarding of the Vittoria Cup. It was an opportunity to remember the numerous successes and initiatives carried out by the students during the year, highlighting how these activities have strengthened the sense of community and cohesion among young people.

From the Valentine's Day dance, which involved all the students in an atmosphere of joy and fun, to the photography, writing and sports competitions, the competition between the teams offered activities for all tastes and interests. Additionally, during "Spirit Week", students had the opportunity to express their creativity by dressing in a theme, with days dedicated to historical figures, crazy hairstyles and visions of the future.

The culmination of the end-of-year party was the long-awaited Vittoria Cup awards ceremony, where the winner was announced amidst great anticipation and applause: the Lynx house.

The recognition celebrates students' commitment to learning soft skills such as sustainability, teamwork, innovation, sport, entrepreneurship and organization. This year, particular emphasis was given to the fact that all activities, including the organization of the party itself, were managed entirely by the students, demonstrating their growing sense of responsibility and autonomy.

In conclusion, the end-of-year party not only offered a time of celebration and fun, but also represented a showcase of the skills and values ​​developed by the students during the school year, promising a bright future for these young talents.