
Gita in Francia delle classi 2 e 3 media

Marwan Ahmed Hamza

Cap D'Ail

On November 6, 2023, the two 2nd and 3rd grade classes left on a trip to the Cap D'Ail Campus in France. The Cap D'Ail Campus is a campus where intensive French lessons are held. The classes were divided: the 3rd middle school was in the A2 class with three more students from the 2nd middle school, and the 2nd middle school was in A1.

Excursion to Monaco

On November 7th the students went to Monaco which is a country surrounded by France. In the first destination in Monaco, the students visited the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco with models of organisms and animals North and South Pole and An Aquarium with many aquatic organisms.

Afterwards, the students strolled to the Prince's Castle of Monaco where they looked at a beautiful view of all of Monaco.

Around four o'clock, the students visited the International University of Munich and learned a little about the university and the events of the university.

Towards the evening, the pupils walked with a beautiful view of the sea towards the Casino of Monaco with beautiful decorations and representations; and took a photo in front of the Hotel De Paris hotel where the students of the University of Munich took a photo in front of the hotel. It was my favorite place and it was my birthday and my friends Matteo, Giulio, Federico gave me a 20 euro gift card.

Raffigurazioni di organismi e oggetti nel Museo Oceanografico di Monaco

The City of Eze

On November 8th the students visited the small City of Eze: A town hidden in a mountain by pirates who, at the time, wanted to plunder it. They visited Fragonard's laboratory which produces perfumes and the students bought souvenirs, perfumes etc. I bought four soaps of which lavender was my favorite. Eze was beautiful but there were little impasse so it was like a maze and so we ran into too many little impasse. There they made us eat Croissants and Pain au Chocolat.

Excursion to Nice

On November 9th, the students went to the city of Nice and walked in the Promenade des Anglais which is a lane next to the beach. Nice was beautiful but the rain delayed us because it was heavy so we walked along the Promenade des Anglais in the dark and I think it was better if we arrived on time.

The next day, November 10th, after class, the students left at 1pm to return and returned at 6pm. When we came back I was half happy and half sad because I was going home and I was with my family but I was a little sad because I wanted to continue hiking.

My Perspectives

I had a good time on this trip and among all these destinations, I really liked Monaco but it is very steep and I bought a lot from the Fragonard workshop.


The Interviews

I interviewed some of my companions who were on the trip with me. Here are their answers:

How did you find your trip to France?

My companions had a good time except the rooms and the food. He liked adventures like Monaco.

How did you feel about being in a foreign country?

They experienced difficulties in the first moments because they were not very prepared to speak French with other people whose mother tongue they were. But after a while they got along well.

What did and didn't you like about the trip?

They had liked adventures like Monaco and Nice, but not the french food.