Ci siamo, la nuova edizione del Vittoria House Cup della scuola media è finalmente cominciata!
Oggi al Vittoria Junior si è tenuta la cerimonia di apertura, iniziata con un emozionante discorso della capitana della casa vincente dell'anno scorso, Marta Briglia dei Lynx.
If you didn’t already know, this competition helps you create lots of new friends and meet new students, but also gives you the opportunity to use your competitive skills to win. I personally enjoyed many of these competitions because I love that you can use your creativity, have fun, and enjoy time with your friends.
I know it might seem like an annoying activity sometimes, especially when you're busy with other things, but trust me, it wasn’t. I thought I had too much homework because of middle school, and I felt overwhelmed, thinking a competition wouldn't help. But then I realized I just needed to push through, and I discovered that I could do it. After that, I understood that this competition would really help me, and my mentality changed.
From a school point of view, you might feel like there are more things to do, but after a year of the Victoria Cup, I feel like the middle schools are much more united. Last year, I overheard someone say, “I think elementary schools should also do this,” but I disagree. I believe elementary school students look at the flags and logos and think, “One day, I’ll go to middle school and win the Victoria Cup.”
As for the role of the captain, some might think the captain does the most, but that’s not true. In this game, everyone gets to participate, and the captain simply represents the team and helps everyone collaborate.
Finally, thank you for your attention, and remember—you've got this!
In seguito, i nuovi studenti delle medie sono stati divisi in una delle 4 case (Corvus, Lynx, Ursa e Aquila), andando a raggiungere i loro compagni. Ricordiamo che la casa si mantiene per tutta la durata del percorso delle medie, in modo da alimentare lo spirito di appartenenza e aiuto reciproco.